Tokenized Real Estate Assets Platform by MUXE

MUXE is a platform on which private individuals and companies can offer real estates such as homes, businesses, and real-estate projects free of charge. The distinctive character of MUXE is that we try to cut as many costs where we can and offer as much value as possible.

There will be a tariff-free listing market and the MUXE platform will focus on all countries in the world. Someone in China can therefore easily find a home (Rent of Sale) or a Real Estate investment in, for example the United States or someone from Brasil can easily find a home in Belgium.

Without a business model, a commercial enterprise will have a very difficult time surviving. MUXE would charge fees for exclusive listings and advertising to create revenue. The free rate offers a basic package of promotion tools. If the client does not think the tools in basic package is enough to promote their real estate or project, they can upgrade to a premium package.

By using the technology of the future, we are eliminating the insecurity of using central systems that cost time, energy, and most importantly: money. We are making sure that our clients are not paying the fees of the old system. This help both buyers and sellers save their hard-earned money. Using the MUXE Tokens as the medium of exchange the buyer and seller can choose whether to keep the tokens for future sale or trade them in at an exchange for their respected value into whatever currency they choose.

For example, if someone wants to sell their house and buy another one it can be done relatively quickly by transacting in tokens. However, the option to use fiat currency still remains.

In addition to adding a fresh value to the cryptocurrency market, MUXE also hopes to bring new investors into the Real-Estate investment arena. By cutting the indirect and slow traditional process people will be able to understand what it is they are dealing with in a more real way. By using tokens people who may have never thought of buying Real-Estate can participate in the diverse market and either make money or buy a home. MUXE also bridges some important gaps by allowing direct global transactions.

For example, if a client lived in China and wanted to buy a house in Canada they could do so without paying so much in fees and employing third-party vendors. The potential value of MUXE as a company is unlimited in the value that it brings to the clients, investors, and community at large. “Good enough never is. Set your standards so high that even the flaws are considered excellent.” -Debbie Fields

MUXE intends to deliver excellence by being prepared, deliberate, and value-creating. We do not simply aim to saturate the market we hope to benefit the market by doing what no one has done: Make Real- Estate easier. Simplifying Real-Estate would be a great accomplishment but we aim to save people money as well. By allowing clients to keep as much of what their trade garners as possible we hope to increase volume.

Everyone benefits in a more liquid market and what MUXE plans to do is take that vision globally. For more information check out MUXE. The platform is where the revolution begins.

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