The Top 4 AdWords Automated Rules

I am not the greatest user of PPC automation, but I appreciate the value it offers for websites.  When utilized correctly, automation can be a valuable sidekick to fine-tuning marketing campaigns.  Automated regulations, scripts, and third party resources can be used in addition to the everyday management tools available.

In this article, I want to review the different AdWords automated rules available for advertisers.  This looks specifically at the four different rules used commonly in my website accounts. However, before sharing the rules, I need to emphasize that the thresholds of the rules are different according to a person's separate account.  For instance, I may pause keywords in an account that has not converted during the past month and has not received a minimum of 45 clicks. This threshold may be different for you based on account-specific intangibles. It is vital to understand why you are using the rule and modify the thresholds accordingly.

AdWords Rule #1:  Increasing The CPC Bids
The first of the AdWords rules reviews all enabled keywords in content and increases the bids whenever specific criteria are met.  The objective of this rule is to obtain additional exposure for conversion of keywords that are under the cost per conversion goal.  One example of a keyword that is below conversion is one that runs weekly, increasing the CPC bids by 25% on keywords with CPAs less than $10.

Utilizing this rule, the website is telling a search engine to increase the bids below the cost per conversion objectives below the third position.  Position thresholds must be set so that keywords are placed in one of three separate positions to receive specific bids. The position will indicate where they spend more and increase the cost per keyword conversion.

When setting a threshold, it is also possible to set a threshold for maximum bids.  In other words, regardless of how well the keyword is performing, you do not want it is convert about $2.  The reason for this is that one can lose profitability if the conversion bid is too high.

AdWords Rule #2:  Pause Ineffective Keywords
The purpose of this second rule is to review and pause any ineffective, non-converting keywords.  A timeframe is utilized to determine keyword effectiveness, and it is typically sixty days. Of course, this differs according to the account; however, I feel this threshold is a generous period to see if the keyword is performing correctly.

It is also vital that you consider the assisted conversions of the keyword.  By pausing ineffective keywords, you are isolating the keywords that are not contributing to click conversions.  If you are know which keywords are inefficient in driving conversions, but play a positive role in the top of the funnel, it may be useful to take this into consideration when looking at pausing keywords. This is one of the best Google Ads scripts for PPC automation in my opinion.

AdWords Rule #3:  Increasing Bids On Low IS
The third rule ensures that the website presents with at least 50% on top-performing keywords.  To do this, you need to use specific metrics including the cost per conversion, conversions, and search lost IS ranking.

Numbers of conversions will depend greatly on the goals and objectives of the account; however, this rule does not always contain a branded strategy qualifier similar to the first and second rules.  As a further automated regulation, you can duplicate rule three and make it unique to your brand strategy, but using impression share identification. This can make the pulse of the brand impression more consistent.

AdWords Rule #4:  Receiving Emails For Any Ineffective Ads
The final rule is similar to the ineffective keyword rule, but it has two differences.  The first difference is that you work with ads instead of keywords. The second difference is that the rule emails you instead of making alterations.

It is recommended that you have a minimum of two ads running in each ad group; however, this is not always practiced by different websites.  With Google sending emails, you can review all of the ad groups regularly and pause the ads according to your conversion rates. If there is only a single ad, then you can go about writing another ad.

Final Words
The rules mentioned above are a beneficial beginning for automating aspects of an account.  It is possible to go in-depth with the rules, but you must remember that automation is designed to help a person and not replace humans.