How Tech Startups Can Benefit From Transcription Services

The process of transcription essentially involves converting a piece of media into a written document or script. This media can be anything from movies on a streaming service to a podcast on the radio.

Last Startups

However, the process of transcription is a little more complicated than just writing down what you hear. Transcription involves working with time codes to ensure the transcription is easy to follow. 

Moreover, it might even need to include other context clues when converting from specific media forms such as videos that provide this context visually.

Keeping all of this in mind, the question is bound to arise.

Since the media already exists in one form, why is there a need for a text version and why should I pay someone else to do it?

Here are 3 ways your startup can benefit from transcription services:

Video Pitch

If your startup is relatively new, chances are that you are working hard on securing funding for your operations from venture capitalists and angel investors. These funding and sponsorship meetings have a lot riding on them. 

If you don’t make a perfect pitch or cannot show investors the value your company brings to the market, there is no chance of survival in this brutal area of business innovation.

Research is quite clear that a short video is a great way to go when it comes to pitching decks as many people are visual learners. However, your pitch video can fall flat if investors cannot make sense of your video or follow along. 

This is where transcription services come in handy. 

A good transcription service will add subtitles to your video pitch deck and take it to the next level by making it easier to follow along and look more professional simultaneously.

Social Media Content

During the beginning stages, most of your marketing will also rely on organic impressions and word-of-mouth rather than a paid media campaign. 

Keeping tight marketing budgets in mind, social media is usually the most used marketing avenue as it is the most cost-effective marketing strategy.

Research has also shown that the shift towards video content is on the rise even in social media consumption so you need to publish video posts to gain any real traction. 

However, studies have also shown that most people watch videos on mute so if you do not add closed captions to your video a huge chunk of your audience may just scroll past your posts.

You can benefit greatly from adding subtitles to your video posts to grab attention and the best way to do that is to invest in a transcription service.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management in any company is hard when employees use different software and store information in haphazard ways. If not controlled, it can get out of hand pretty quickly leaving no way to find relevant information quickly.

Although many companies establish strict procedures on how and where to save any kind of document, many companies fail to set any procedure for recording and organizing meeting minutes as they often seem cumbersome.

However, transcribing your meeting minutes can save a lot of time and can help in creating a searchable database for specific points that were talked about in meetings. This not only makes it easier to understand action items but also helps those that might have missed an important meeting.



The simple rule of thumb is that anywhere that you are using any form of media whether that is a video conferencing meeting or a social media post, you should have subtitles to boost the success of your objectives.

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