Brainstorming a Brandable Business Name

When business owners begin searching for brandable domain names, they often hit a mental wall and are unable to come up with enough ideas. 

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Fortunately there are some tried-and-true ways to break through that blockade and generate numerous brandable startup domain names. 
Here are a few of the most common ways that entrepreneurs are able to get their brain cells off the starting block and find great domain names for their companies:   

  1. Make a list of keywords related to your market, product, service and company mission. A massage clinic owner might generate a list that includes the words “muscle, relax, oil, healing, heat, massage, medicine, therapy, ease, happiness, sleep, health” and more.
  2. Look at yellow pages and online advertisements for businesses like your own. This isn’t “cheating,” it’s actually savvy market research. You will see some of the brandable domain names already in use and notice how they’re constructed. Besides, viewing competitor ads will show you some of the ways that are not effective.
  3. Write your company’s mission statement and make a list of synonyms for every noun, verb, adverb and adjective in the sentence. Aim for listing 10 synonyms for each word, even if you need to use a thesaurus.
  4. Make a list of all the root words from steps 1 and 3 above.
  5. The list generated in step 4 is your springboard for finding brandable domain names that will be a good fit for your company. Use the list to generate as many 3-, 4- and 5-letter word fragments that might be good domain names, with an eye toward fragments that are easy to spell and remember. From the massage example above, the list could include things like “massa, thera, oil, heal, body,” and more.
  6. After coming up with as many fragments and words as possible in step 5, consider adding prefixes and suffixes to them. You’ll be surprised at how many brandable domain names can be generated at this point in the brainstorming process. Try working with suffixes more than prefixes, because you generally want your core word to be up front in the brandable domain name. So, that hypothetical massage business could end up with a domain name like “therio, healit” or something similar.
  7. Finally, test all the prospective domain names you’ve generated to see which ones are the easiest to spell, type and remember.
  8. If you really can't think of anything go visit a brandable domain name marketplace where the owners curate a collection of names using the above tips.
When it comes to finding brandable domain names for a new or established company, sitting down and using brainstorming techniques is an effective approach to the problem. Keep in mind that brainstorming methods tend to generate many more ideas than you could possibly ever use.

That’s the whole point actually. Once the brain starts clicking and is able to generate perhaps hundreds of brandable domain names, you’ll have a wider array of choices on the paper in front of you. Putting these techniques into practice can really jump-start the mental process for finding an appropriate domain name that is the ideal fit for your particular business enterprise. 

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