10 Things You Should Know About High-Voltage Transformer Maintenance

A transformer is an important part of an electricity transfer system. Without a transformer, safe and constant distribution of power would be impossible, as this vital component is required to convert high voltage into lower voltages suitable for use in homes, public systems and businesses.

Every electricity transmission company needs to ensure consistent and ongoing maintenance of its equipment, including high-voltage transformers. As transformers are expensive, it is imperative to maintain them rather than spend thousands of dollars on costly repairs or replacements. Here are 10 pertinent facts you should know about high-voltage transformers in order to ensure their proper upkeep.

  1. A transformer is a robust piece of equipment designed to survive the onslaught of environmental elements. However, this durability is possible mostly due to the strong outer coating which protects the machine from corrosion, contaminants and foreign deposits.
  2. To avoid breakdowns and outages, transformers need to be cleaned regularly in a safe and careful manner by trained professionals. Bill Johnson from www.utilityservice.net says that transformers should be painted with rust-resistant materials, which will help ensure they run smoothly.
  3. A high-voltage transformer has radiator tubes which are susceptible to damage from environmental factors in the form of moisture accumulation, rusting and salt deposits (in a coastal area). By painting the tubes with high-quality transformer paint, this damage can be prevented for many years.
  4. Many businesses choose to have their large equipment cleaned in-house. You should attempt this only if your staff have sufficient experience and in-depth knowledge of safe transformer cleaning.
  5. When looking to have your transformers painted, you can pick either flow coating or spray painting. If you’re not sure, it’s best to leave this decision to a professional utility maintenance company.
  6. Many power generation/distribution businesses choose flow coating over spray paint as it offers much better coverage and can easily coat the tough-to-reach corners and crevices. Flow coating may cost a little more, but it provides good return on your maintenance costs.
  7. It’s not only air and moisture that can corrode a high-voltage transformer. It also bears the brunt of heat generated while processing electricity. Transformer coating can protect your equipment from the heat released by its components as well as solar heat.
  8. If you’re worried about interruption in energy distribution, you should know that advance painting systems do not require dismantling of the parts of a transformer. In addition, skilled and certified professionals can minimize downtime and prevent accidents and equipment damage.
  9. Hiring an experienced and qualified transformer maintenance service can help you save maintenance costs in the long term. This is because seasoned technicians will use the best materials and methods based on the condition of the transformer.
  10. If you’re waiting for your transformers to show signs of wear and tear, you may be setting yourself up for increased costs as well as higher downtime—any equipment in poor condition will require intensive care to be restored to its original high-performing state. Timely maintenance is essential for a transformer’s longevity.


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