Why Must You Consider Renting an Office Space For Your Business?

You have an idea of starting your own business. Great!! But if you are trying to cut yourself some slack by opting out of business space, think again! Undoubtedly, getting an office space is not something you decide on the go since it's the largest overhead. But still, if you evaluate the returns on doing that, you might think otherwise.

Here are some reasons why you should say "Yes" to office space for your business.

It Shapes Your Culture

Your office space shapes your culture. For instance, if you believe in innovation or collaboration or if you think they are the essence of your business operations, then going for a "flat in structure" model would suit you. It could be anything from open meeting areas, kitchens that contribute to an open office work environment. 

Another example is office spaces in Del Mar that have ample space and patio areas to enjoy coffee. Such attractive office suites enhance your work life and provide your team to discuss things over food. So, if you opt for such Del Mar office space for lease, you'll never have to worry about team conflicts anymore. So, you can define your office culture by opting for unique areas that offer you assistance for carrying out seamless business operations. 

It Impacts Your Work-Related Communications

Working virtually often has an issue of things getting lost in translation. With a designated area, you can easily avoid those sarcastic Skype calls (or what they seem like) and send any wrong impression to your colleagues. Such things never happen if you have in-person meetings. In other words, with office space, you get a chance to improve your office communications. Undoubtedly, that impacts your business operations positively. 

In fact, as per Mehrabian's research, there are primarily three different factors that contribute to effective communication, i.e., words, tone, and body language. If you go by the study, body language accounts for more than 50% of weightage. 

So, if you are starting your business, leading it with a Skype call might not be very fruitful. However, having an in-person conversation over a cup of coffee might drive better results. And who can ignore those amazing water coolers talks that act as ice breakers? Isn't it?

It Helps to Get into a Routine

While it might sound a little off track, it's quite important for you as well as your team's well-being and productivity. We understand that the ambiance of working from home is quite relaxing. However, it also impacts your productivity after a while. Also, when you go to the office every day, you have to get up and work on your presentation besides the professional necessities, especially if you are someone who needs to meet clients. 

That way, you motivate yourself every day. Also, you have set time frames for work and pleasure. All of which combined makes you quite fresh when working. And this goes without saying. You won't be distracted from those Instagram alerts or cute dog videos streaming on your phone. 

Wrapping Up

Remember, your business is your identity. And office space is your second home where you spend more than 1900 hours per year. So, you must opt for an office space to let your employees feel special as well as comfortable when working. That way, you'll have the most productive business operations. 

And lastly, having an office space makes an impact on your clients as well. No matter how digitally aligned we are, an office space leaves an impression about your culture and work ethics.

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