Time To Beat The Ecommerce Market Know How To Increase Conversion Rate

For the first time when you are starting your ecommerce website, it is very common and normal to face challenges like,  server issues, low traffic and zero sales. In this situation it is always advisable to consult an ecommerce expert and make sure that you get the right advice. Learn and avoid the mistakes that are hampering it. 

Last Startups

People are fortunate who have mentors to guide them at the initial turbulent years but what about those who don't have a mentor. Well, not to worry for those first timers we have come up with a few ways that can help you in increasing the conversion of the online shop. 

Quality product images
Images are the most important thing that can help in conversion rate, as images are the face of the product. People can go without the descriptions but not without the images. If we talk technically then you can have a website that has only product images but it is not recommended. 

People buy what they see and that's the whole point of uploading product images. Make sure they are of high-quality with different angles and are zoomable. This will help in enhancing the conversion rate for sure. 

Great product copy 
Yes, we mentioned above that high-quality images is the major criteria but product description goes with it hand in hand. The product copy gives customers the clarity about what they are buying. The information regarding fabric, size, dimensions, color, convinces the customer that the product is right and beneficial. Lengthy version of it should be detailed but after reading it if your customers still have any doubt then there is some serious problem with the description. 

Keep one thing in mind that if a customer is halfway convinced with the description of the product that he/she will skip the rest of it and will buy the product immediately. 

Customizable Product
Customizing the product gives a game-like feel to the customers. It excites them and holds the attention of the customers. This process not only benefits customers as they will get what they have imagined but also the company as they can charge more for the customization. Go for this process if you have a strong manufacturing unit because customers are very imaginative and creative. And as in German it is said that improving  Conversion-Optimierung für Onlineshops (Conversion optimization for online shops) is very crucial. So make sure that you are completely ready for it with the skilled manpower and timely delivery of the product.

Free Shipping 
Even if the product is under $50, still people will expect free shipping. Various online shops go with all time free shipping options but some add conditions with it. Those who have this option in every purchase don't have to worry. But companies who have put a condition may hit the jackpot when the customer is only considering the free shipping and buy more to fulfill the condition. But it can go wrong as well and can hamper the sale. Save this point that people only want free shipping no matter what it takes. 

Diminish the shopping cart abandonment
Now this means that a customer is going through the checkout process but not completing the purchase. Mostly, 2 in every 3 customers abandon their cart before the purchase. Now there can be many reasons for this like: 

  • High price: in case your competitor website is offering the same product at a lower price then it is the possibility that customer will buy from them instead of buying it from you.
  • Not so easy: you have asked too much at the time of check out, may be forced registration.
  • Shipping cost: customers hardly prefer to pay shipping cost, they need free shipping all the time. 
  • High loading time:  Maybe your website is taking too much time to load the pages. 

The best way to reduce this is follow up. Make sure you communicate with the customers through e-mail and find out the reason so that you can rectify the problem. 

Show contact information and provide live chat
It’s basically a trust thing, when you show the contact information and are available to listen to the customers queries on live chat. This is especially beneficial for the small companies who are trying to gain the trust of the customers and capture the market. 

Clear process indicators 
People like to always know that where they are standing, are they done with the process or still there are more steps to it. Hence, it becomes very necessary to show the process bar, label the steps clearly. It will gain the trust of the customers and ultimately win the sale. 

Deal with uncertainty 
When will my order reach? Is it safe? Can I return? 
If a customer has never placed an order with you earlier they will have this curiosity to know everything. Hence, it is beneficial to list the common questions that they ask in the shopping cart or on product pages. Do not forget to mention the “EASY RETURN” term right below the shopping cart, it gives a boost to the purchaser. Some information should be visible enough so that any uncertainty does not hamper the sale.

Multiple Payment Options
With the increase in the payment advancement and with the launch of so many gateways, now people expect to get every option available at the time of checkout. If unfortunately they do not find the one they use, then it may ruin the sale. So from card payment, COD to Paypal, make sure you cover almost every gateway that people use in your zone. This will undoubtedly increase the conversion rate of your online shop. 

Final Words
There is nothing impossible in this world, so instead of getting worried about the low sale, try to modify the methods you are following. It’s always better to use advanced ways to increase the sales and satisfy the customers. Make sure you follow the above-mentioned methods and implement them on your ecommerce website. It will surely help in the expansion of your business as well as you will notice a positive change in your sales. 


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