The difference between laser machines used for marking, engraving and etching

When looking for a permanent marking solution, there are different choices. The process of using lasers in the form of marking, etching and engraving have risen as popular selections because of the lasers versatility that can be utilized in almost every craftwork or industry. 

Popular industry’s that use laser machines include the packaging, automotive, toys, medical and jewelry industries.   Many people are confused by the definitions of these terms as they are often used interchangeably. However, there are some differences between the laser marking, etching and engraving processes. Each method has its own features that make it suitable for different jobs.

Laser Marking
This is a method that uses low powered lasers to leave marks on objects surface slightly changing its appearance. This is done by moving the laser slowly across the object causing discoloration. The heat of the laser will heat the material and cause its surface to turn black. Laser marking is less common than the other methods. However, it is popular in the medical industry as it works very well on stainless steel parts. It is ideal to make barcodes, logos and other identification codes.

Laser engraving
Laser engraving is a subcategory of laser marking which uses high heat lasers to engrave a material. With this process, the laser will remove the surface of the material to create a cavity. It is a much quicker process than marking and is very precise. However, in order to make the cavity deeper, the process will have to be repeated several times over. This is a very common method for customizing objects as it can be used on a number of materials. Laser engraving is a much more environmentally friendly option than other similar methods, such as etching which will pollute the environment as it uses chemicals. Whereas laser engraving does not use any chemicals.

Laser etching
The laser etching process is a subcategory of engraving. It melts the surface by using high heat lasers which cause the material to expand and results in a raised mark on the object. It is suitable for thin materials and small objects such as jewelry. There is a lot of demand for personalized jewelry.  

All three of these methods refer to making a permanent mark on a material. 

The selection is based on which method is a more suitable laser cutting technique for the job at hand.  

Many materials can be engraved such as natural materials like wood and stone or plastics and metals. When picking the ideal laser machine for your business it is important to check the machines cost and application – see for some reviews.

Machine costs range in price, it is important to pick one that price is feasible for your business and its application is suitable for your services that are on offer.