Italian Investor Visa- 4 Myths Entrepreneurs Should Stop Believing

Italy is a popular business hub for global entrepreneurs. Besides its favorable business landscape, easy immigration is one of the reasons it attracts startup aspirants from overseas.

The Italian investor visa is an ideal route because it does not have stringent eligibility requirements. Moreover, the process is fast and easy, so you can launch your dream project within months. But several myths and misconceptions can keep you from pursuing the goal of an Italian startup. You can get in touch with the team of to know the investor visa process better and steer clear of myths. Here are the ones entrepreneurs should stop believing right away.

Myth #1- The investment is too massive for most entrepreneurs
Since the investor visa is based on the ability to invest, you may be worried about arranging the funds. After all, most startups run on shoestring budgets, and procuring a hefty sum for immigration sounds painful. Thankfully, the investment requirements for the Italian investor visa do not run in millions. You can qualify with a minimum investment of €250,000 in an innovative startup in the country. There are other options like an investment in an established company (€500,000), a philanthropic donation (€1 million), or a purchase of government bonds (€2 million). So you can pick the option that does not disrupt your startup budget. 

Myth #2- The process is long and daunting
Unlike the other immigration routes, the process for the investor visa is short and easy. Avoid falling for the myth that you have a long and daunting journey to navigate to reach your immigration goals. The two-step process takes only a few months to complete, provided you have the funding arrangements and proper guidance. The initial step for procuring the certificate of no impediment (nulla osta) requires an online application and takes only 30 days to complete. You can apply for the investor visa at your local consulate after getting the nulla osta.

Myth #3- Your money may be at risk
If you think your money may be at risk with an investor visa, you must get your facts right. You need not worry at all because the funds have to come only after getting a residence permit when you land in Italy with an investor visa. Until then, you only require bank statements to validate the ownership of legit funds for the process. The good thing is that you do not have to get extra investment for bringing your family to Italy.

Myth #4- Investor visa is only a short-term option
Unlike popular belief, an investor visa is more than a short-term immigration option for aspiring entrepreneurs. It is your ticket to one of the top-rated second passports in the world. Even as a resident, you can travel across the EU without worrying about the complex visa formalities. You have the option to convert to permanent residence and get Italian citizenship by naturalization after spending a decade in Italy. You only need to hold your initial investment to qualify.

Now that these myths are debunked, you will be more confident about starting the investor visa journey. Explore the option and unlock the opportunity to set up your business in Italy, build a home here, and stay for the long haul.  


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