How To Improve your Hotel Guest Experience

At the core of every successful business is the quality of the customers’ experience. This is especially true for a competitive sector like the hospitality industry. Yes, the consistency of your hotel guests' experience can be a powerful marketing tool and a key factor in building a reputable brand. You want to get more returning customers and new ones leaving good reviews that sell your brand. Improving hotel guest experience doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot. Here are a few simple ways to fine-tune that experience on a budget.

Engage with your guests post-booking
Guests’ experience is directly linked with the customer service they receive from your hotel. Did you know that customer service starts even before the guests set a foot in your establishment? Well, you need to implement a pre-stay communication strategy after your guests reserve their stay. You could send an email to inquire if there is anything that your guests would need during their stay, be it a dinner reservation. You can offer to give them a list of activities they can take part in to make the most of their stay. This will improve your engagement with your guests while at the same time significantly enhancing their experience. You should also go the extra mile by communicating to your guests after their stay to know if they had a good time and acknowledge that you enjoyed their stay.  A tailored post-stay communication boosts guest loyalty. 

Always personalize
It is with no doubt that customers appreciate the value of a personal touch when they purchase anything. This goes beyond referring to them by their names. Build guest profiles with your guests’ preferences to make sure that you offer them the best possible experience. A guest will feel special when you remember the little things that they prefer.  Research has shown that personalized customer experience fosters loyalty that results in increased revenue. Your guests will be more satisfied when they feel that they are not just a source of income for your hotel but rather valued individuals.

One way of standing out among the competition is by taking advantage of advancements in technology. Guests are more inclined to choose a hotel that offers an added value since this gives a luxurious feel. The beauty is that hotel automation systems give your guests exactly that. For starters, automation systems give your guests convenience. It could be as simple as implementing mobile check-ins that do away with the need to wait. Automating also helps you give your guests personalized communication where guests can request what they want in real-time and have their issues easily resolved. This is just but a glimpse but it tells you why you should invest in hotel automation systems. It is a proven way of improving the customer experience, boost loyalty and increase sales!

Listen to the customer!
Listening is significant in guest experience. Actively listen to your guests when they are suggesting, complaining, or requesting something. You should treat every customer with the utmost respect. Your staff needs to be trained on ways to resolve customer complaints calmly and use them to improve. Guests are always happy to know that they are being heard. This doubles up their chances of stopping by again. 

Wrapping Up
In a nutshell, your hotel should always aim at providing a unique guest experience to stay competitive. Providing a great guest experience is key to ensuring that your guests are impressed and will always come back. You will always see a return on investment when you prioritize scaling up your experience.