Exploring Canada’s start-up world

Let's Explore The Best Start Up Businesses In Canada. Canada is one of the major economies in the world. Probably the second biggest in the world. The country has a huge amount of resources and one of the best economies in the world. 

Its mining, service and manufacturing industry is rapidly growing. Notably, it is these industries that turned Canada into an urban an industrial country.

Approximately 75% percent of the Canadians are involved in the service industry and therefore it is the top industry sector of the country’s economy.

The logging and oil industries dominate the primary sector. Canada has the second to Saudi regarding the largest oil resources in the world. Also, the locomotive industry is the leading industrial segment in Canada.

When considering doing business in Canada, tax rates and business costs are substantially low. The country boasts of a robust investment stability, high skilled work force, strategic location, industry leadership and a general lifestyle benefit.

How does one start a business in Canada?
First, one must ensure compliance with the investment Act. Non-Canadians should file an application for review of their investment to guarantee it is profitable to the citizens. However, if the business start-up assets are less than five million dollars there is no need for a review, but notification is necessary.

What are some profitable start-ups ideas in Canada?

The technology industry.
The moving industry is growing at a high rate with players such as Uber and Airbnb. The 2016 start-up that is expected to shake the industry is the Zootly. They are an American based company that want to try the Canadian moving industry. The company plans to use an App to link reputable moving companies, especially those that do not have a strong online presence while people need their services.

Why Zootly are likely to be a big shot is because they plan on working hand in hand with movers rather that against them. This, therefore, means that their resistance would be minimal.

Another start-up that is projected to make it really big in Canada is Brigit. This is a company that has created a communication App that makes communication between construction site workers easier. The app is already being used in Condo projects in Canada. The company is likely to expand since it seeks to solve one of the major projects in the construction industry

The communication industry
HootSuite, a Vancouver-based company, has designed software that connects channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter under a single profile. This has made it simpler to manage social posts across the various connected channels. The company is seeking partnerships with Microsoft’s business suite tolls to promote internet marketing. The company’s prospects of growth are anchored on their pursuit firms that are willing to enhance their account managers.

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