Efficient Strategy for Your Rapid Instagram Account Growth

instagram automation, time to post on Instagram. If you take a look at the global popularity rating of Instagram accounts, you will see there not only film and pop stars. 

There are a lot of ordinary people, like you and I, who also managed to get famous on IG. They are beauty and fashion bloggers, lifestyle guru, make-up artists, fitness trainers, travelers, life-hackers and DIYers. All of them have their own strategies of promotion, their own tricks, and must-dos. Let’s look at some tips that influencers use to scale their audience fast, get the famous engagement and trust of the audience!

Become an expert!
If it seems to you that your life is boring and you have nothing to tell about to your followers, just do not promote your IG account. But I personally think that every person in the world has its own story. Tell your audience about something that you know oats at. It can be your hobby, your profession or the city you live in - anything you enjoy and have expertise at.

If you doubt that your knowledge is proficient enough, do not stop. Sign up for the cookery course or for the courses of an oil painting. Thus, you will become an expert in your niche and will be able to present some interest and benefit for your followers. And once you are a subject matter specialist, new followers won’t be long in coming.

Post more often and in time!
That’s another major rule of a successful promotion. Most Instagram stars make publications every day, but someone prefers to upload photos several times a day, and others a couple of times a week.

Studies have shown that increasing the frequency of publications can enhance audience engagement. But choose the schedule of publishing of content wisely and be sure to stick to it. Do not build too unrealistic plans. Take into account at what time your audience is most active and fix the best time to post on Instagram for yourself. Moreover, there are a lot of tools which can help you schedule your posts and automatically publish them.

Arrange your profile!
Change your profile description, avatar and Highlights so as visitors can immediately understand who you are and what your page is about.

Write your name, city, and age in bio. A few lines about work, hobbies and topic posts. Thus, the visitors will understand the direction of your profile and can easily make a decision to follow (or not.) Specify one link: to your website, page in another social network, YouTube or Telegram channel.

Make line breaks so as the profile header to look neater. And avoid Caps Lock, unless it is an artistic device. And do not overdo with emoji.

Proper arrangement of your IG account is almost half the success for promotion!

Remember, a quality photo is a must. It’s better to shoot in single color-grade so as your acc to look more stylish.

Use hashtags properly!
Instagram allows putting 30 tags for each of your posts. When you only start, use all 30. But there is a mistaken opinion that if you use the most popular tags, you have more chances to be noticed. That’s a lie. If you put down only common tags, your post runs the risk to be lost among other posts like that. No one would see it. Thus, you need to use a couple of popular tags, and all the rest should be niche tags. Thus, you increase the chance to get your target audience, not the random one.

Moreover, you need to use different tags for every post, otherwise, you will seem boring and quite annoying for your followers. Use hashtags generator to create proper and various(!) tags for you. That’s much convenient and faster.

Do not neglect mass-liking and mass-following!
The fastest method of attracting a new audience to your profile. You find your TA, follow them and like their posts as much as you can. According to statistics, around 10% of those accs will follow you back. To increase the number of followers fast, you need to do it A LOT. Use Instagram automation tools for that if you want your targeting to be more accurate and to save your time. Usually, those tools act within the IG limits, so there is no risk to be banned.

Monitor statistics and analyze it!
Dreams in which you wake up famous one day, come true really seldom. Therefore, in order to assess whether your actions bring results, you will have to track IG statistics and analytics, which will show extended data.

Surely you are aiming for a certain number of followers. At first glance, this indicator objectively indicates the popularity of your profile.

But with the introduction of the new Ig algorithms, everything became not so simple: there is no point in the audience that does not see your publications.

Therefore, the reach becomes important - the actual number of users who see your posts.

Engagement is the criterion of content success. It includes likes and comments. There are two ways to calculate it:

ER (followers) = average number of interactions on posts / number of followers * 100%.

ER (reach) = number of interactions per post / reach of the post * 100%

As you see, there are no secrets and tricks with the help of which you can promote your account. You just need to be an expert in your field and…:

  • arm yourself with patience;
  • try to post more often and take into account the best time to post;
  • take advantage of mass-liking and mass-following, use automation tools for that;
  • always monitor statistics.
Good luck with your promotion!

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