Benefits Of Direct Mail

Direct mail is still alive and kicking and maybe more so than ever. Here are the reasons you should consider using it in your campaigns.

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Stand Apart From The Crowded Field
Direct mail is tangible. So when a consumer picks your mail up and then opens the envelope, it establishes a physical bond between your brand and them. This is something that cannot be done with e-mail. So when an individual is considering making a purchase of your product, the first thing that they are likely to remember is the piece of mail that you sent them.

Some businesses give their marketing efforts a boost by including "lumpy" mail - where a gift is added to the envelope like a:

Sand timer
Rubik's cube
Mini flashlight

Direct mail specialists Whistl advise making your mail "lumpy" helps to pique the recipient's curiosity so that he will be more inclined to open the envelope. It can also help to get returning customers excited.

Complicated Analytics Are Not Required
With direct mail, it is very easy finding out whether or not somebody has taken action. You don't need to use any complicated tools. All you need to do is measure the response rate on coupons or phone calls that are received. Those are among the easiest ways of determining whether or not you mailed to the right demographic.

Highly Targeted
Whenever you send direct mail out, it is easy to ensure it is highly targeted. Just knowing where an individual lives tells you many things about the person, including income, potential interests, etc. Make sure you do your research first before launching your direct mail campaign. The more information you can get on potential and current customers, the better.

No Cold Calling Needed
When attempting to make a sale, one of the toughest tactics to master is cold calling. It may take a hundred no's before landing an appointment, and at times it may take even more than that. Fortunately, when you send direct mail and then follow up, you won't be making a cold call any longer. You will merely be following up. That means it is more likely that the call will be friendly and warm.

Direct Mail Is Opened More Often
There is a greater likelihood that direct mail will be opened compared to e-mail. A mailbox commands much more attention than an individual's e-mail inbox. Whenever you send out mail, your company's brand is physically entering into an individual's house. Direct mail can seem more inviting and less like spam when done properly.

Be sure to offer the recipient something of value. For instance, if you happen to own a dental practice, funny comics could be sent out in your dental direct mail campaign that people can put on their refrigerators and share with family and friends. This can have an excellent, lasting and positive effect on your business.

When you incorporate direct mail into your marketing strategy, it helps you tap into an entirely new sales dimension!

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