3 Ways Startups Can Leverage SEO to Drive Customer Growth

SEO for startups is a rarely entertained subject of digital marketing. It is a powerful digital tool most startups fail to take advantage of. In fact, did you know 50% of venture capital invested in startups goes majorly into ads and not building organic traffic? 

Why? Because people don’t like ads. 
In addition, 68% of online experiences start with an organic search. Simply put, people rely on Google to know about things, and only 6% of those searches result in clicks to ads, while 94% result in organic results. Thus, it’s a no-brainer that ranking on organic searches is imperative to get traffic. This article discusses three ways in which startups can leverage SEO to drive customer growth. 

Optimize Your Website (add UX-UI) 
Boosting your SEO efforts starts with optimizing your website in order to give visitors a smooth, navigating experience. And this will automatically help you get more traffic to your website. For instance, if your website is slow or has a lot of bugs, visitors are likely to press the back button and look for a better source. 
For this, work on the UI-UX optimization which focuses on working on the elements of a website that helps visitors navigate and possess information. Improving the UI can make a person stay longer on your site which in turn increases the chance of a purchase. 

This can significantly impact your ranking on Google. Other than that, startups should focus on incorporating the right on-page and off-page SEO tactics to drive organic traffic to their website. Some of the popular off-page techniques could include guest blogging, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and brand mentions. 
Thus, instead of spending thousands of dollars on online ads and other marketing tactics, startups are advised to build out SEO while adhering to Google’s best practices. 

Focus on Link Building and Digital PR
Link building involves the process of getting hyperlinks from other high-authoritative websites to yours. One way to get high-quality links is by leveraging linkable assets. These are high-quality content pieces that focus strictly on providing value and are used during outreach to earn links from other websites. 

You can also take advantage of web directory link building, as directory for SEO is quite popular for boosting your overall SEO efforts. It is the process of adding your site’s link to an online directory (an online database of links) to win relevant links from powerful domains. 

Startups can also leverage digital PR to improve SEO scores and rankings. It includes getting mentioned in popular relevant online publications and podcasts where you can share informational advice about your industry. 

Optimize Published Content
The key to driving organic traffic to your website is publishing content that actually helps the reader gain some useful information. For that, it is imperative that startups must understand their target audience and what specific techniques they can follow to keep them coming. Most startups begin with posting random content on their site which isn’t optimized to what their target audience is looking for. 

Publishing keyword-driven content frequently is a tried and tested SEO tactic to find your audience and provide them with what they want. Besides, make sure the published content is in coherence with the latest SEO trends to maintain relevancy. 
This is because keywords are the lifeblood of SEO, as they help you explore phrases and words related to your product or service to get more opportunities for traffic generation. 

Final Thoughts 
SEO for startups isn’t complex, but it does require calculated risks and experiments to get results. Boosting your SEO efforts can drastically improve search engine rankings, customer acquisition, and profitability. And all of it would help you drive customer growth over time. 


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